Building Management
The platform that helps you manage your building better and easier
All in one
All data about your tenants, units, facilities, utility, bills and invoices at one place.
Automated Processes
Good planning is a crucial first step to efficient and productive processes & company.
Save Time
Automate your invoice processes and complaints/ requests from your tenants.
Monitor the water and electricity consumption for each unit and record all the services that are consumed by your tenants including insurances, parking use, abonments, cleaning or even maintenance.
Generate all the invoices with all charged services and utilities in one simple document and send them to each of your customers in only one click. Then you can follow up your tenant's payments through the invoicing module.
Gather all your bills, automate the calculation and invoice with minimal effort to all the units.
Manage the public facilities booked by your tenants and avoid overlapping bookings. Manage complaints and requests to provide a better service for your tenants.
Keep all contact information of your tenants in one place to provide a better service.